Saturday, 1 February 2014

iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweaks, News, Download, Features: Top 3 Tweaks

Are the iOS 7 jailbreak tweaks worth the download?

The iOS 7 jailbreak was one of the most anticipated releases in 2013 and most people expected the Evad3rs to launch the new jailbreak in 2014.

However, a last minute, end of the year, Christmastime update was released and tech fans around the world rejoiced.

Once your iOS device -- whether it be an iPhone or iPad -- is jailbroken, you will have the opportunity to choose through thousands of tweaks. In order to find them you just simply have to open Cydia and you will find the tweaks you want via the search bar.

Although it is difficult to find tweaks by wasting your time trying to search through the thousands that are available, we've picked out a few that seem worth downloading. Feel free to check them out as they are listed below:

1.Swipey -- It can be rather difficult to toggle through different apps on the iPhone and iPad at once but this tweak makes things much easier. With this, users are able to maintain six different applications on one rotating screen. Keep in mind that you will need to jailbreak your phone in order to get this particular tweak.

2.Eclipse -- If you have a GPS for your vehicle then you are probably familiar with the concept of changing the screen to a "night mode" in order to cut down on the intense brightness. Eclipse is similar to this -- but for your iPhone -- but the downside is that it is not free. But with a minimal 99 cent price tag, it's not going to do any damage to your wallet.

3.TinyBar -- If you are busy on your phone and would rather not be disturbed -- but have no problem with receiving texts that are not in your face -- TinyBar could be perfect for you. This tweak changes things around so that messages that are sent to you only appear in the very top bar that has your carrier's name and the battery status.

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