Thursday, 30 January 2014

The Secret of Happiness-happy thoughts quotes

It is in recognition of the importance of happiness in life that there is now a branch of psychology dedicated to it. If you look back at the history of psychology, you will see that at one time, psychologists were only treating mental illnesses.

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It is in recognition of the importance of happiness in life that there is now a branch of psychology dedicated to itto  happy thoughts quotes. If you look back in the history of psychology, you will see that at the same time , psychologists were only treating mental illnesses  happy days quotes.

Then came a time when they have been taken with what generates negative emotions. However, in the last 5-10 happy thoughts quote years there is more awareness of what makes people happy . This is due to a growing movement called positive psychology happy days quotes.

This happy thoughts quote science focuses on the strengths of people rather than their shortcomings. Studies the secrets that contribute to happiness , instead of distress and pain.

Positive psychologists have discovered that a large percentage of the factors contributing to happiness is genetic and accidentalhappy quotations. For example  happy thoughts quotes, you have little control over what kind of family you were born and what their financial conditions are at the beginning of his life happy days quotes.

Although happy thoughts quotes each individual has control over 40% of the factors that contribute to happiness. These factors include your personnel attitude to life, your ability to see the bright side of things and your personnel philosophy of life happy days quotes , between others. If you can control these and happy thoughts quotes align them on the road to happiness, you can easily take giant leaps towards happiness .

Some of the most powerful secrets of happiness are:

Count your blessings : Do you remember the first time you drove a car? Do you remember the excitement and sense of pride happy thoughts quotes? Now that you are driving your car regularly , you know longer feel the same happiness . Why? You have stopped counting your blessings! At one point, when the experience was new, happy days quotes you felt humbled by it. You were grateful.

The happy thoughts quotes :

But now that the experience is jaded, no longer feel the same vibrant happiness. Stop taking your life, relationships , home and facilities for granted. For once, stop and tell yourself : "Wow My life is just great I have the everything I need I 'm the happiest person life. happy thoughts quotes. !

Invest time in close relationships : Study after study has found that people in steady relationships live longer, are happier and feel more secure  happy days quotes. Support and encourage a close relationship.

Ask charities : Helping others is important to human nature though most of us would like to believe otherwise. When you see people in need and happy thoughts quotes do something to ease your pain , you will find your heart brimming with happiness.

The happy quotations:

Choose to be happy : These days , our tolerance level is very low. Even the smallest things irritate and distress us. Changing this trend. Choose to be happy.
When you feel the irritation mounting , think about the good things in your life to happy thoughts quotes.

Smile : This happy quotations may seem silly, happy days quotes but merely to raise the corners of your mouth will put you in a happier frame of mind. happy thoughts quotes You cannot smile and be happy.

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